Ningbo City Sanjiangkou Waterfront Parks Competition

PFS Studio’s winning submission for Ningbo’s Sanjiangkou Waterfront Parks – 2014 International Design Competition redefined the way in which the central Ningbo waterfront can move forward in addressing a wide variety of issues including rapid city growth, evolving land uses, storm water management, much needed recreation space, livability and city wide pedestrian connections.

The competition site is at the confluence of two rivers and is at the very heart of Ningbo’s historic beginnings. Located on opposite sides of this three way intersection of waterways, the three primary open spaces taken together establish the largest park in the city. One area embraces a new modern commercial area; another a significant historic context and the last a new residential area with needs for sports and recreation facilities. Recognizing the diverse nature of the three, the design nonetheless used a common, contemporary aesthetic to bind the open spaces together into one.