University of British Columbia, University Commons (University Boulevard Precinct)

University Commons plays a distinct role within UBC’s campus, serving as both a welcoming ‘front door’ for the university, and a mixed use vibrant academic and social hub that contributes to UBC’s complete community. With a collection of some of the most public buildings on campus and fully integrated with transit, University Commons is the primary arrival point and symbolic gateway to campus. The Commons will become a place that draws people together for dialogue, celebration, innovation, recreation, study, fun, relaxation and learning.

The Commons accommodates a daily influx of approximately 35,000 people arriving to campus by all modes, while also supporting academic, research, commercial, recreational and residential uses. Key public realm open spaces include MacInnes Field, University Square, and Money & Raymond MC Lee Plaza as well as The Exchange, UBC’s new transit hub. Each of these spaces is connected through generous and legible movement corridors that are detailed in a unified and consistent manner ensuring that the Commons reads as a cohesive and welcoming precinct on campus.